6. Deep explaination of all regular expressions

This part of the source documentation is a kind of an “appendix”, where all regular expressions used in source code will be explained deeply

6.1. Regexes used on WML States

6.1.1. WML IDLE State

m = re.match(r'\s*$', xline)

If the line is actually empty (only contains tabs/spaces) it will be consumed immediately. It is equal to that regular expression:


6.1.2. WmlCheckdomState

self.regex = re.compile(r'\s*#textdomain\s+(\S+)', re.I)

this is equal to that (case insensitive) regex:


At the start of the string will search for:

  • spaces/tabs (from 0 to n)
  • the character #.
  • the word textdomain followed by one or more spaces
  • one or more NO-SPACE characters, captured into group 1

6.1.3. WmlCheckpoState

rx = r'\s*#\s+(wmlxgettext|po-override|po):\s+(.+)'
self.regex = re.compile(rx, re.I)

wich is equal to that (case insensitive) regex:


At the start of the string will search for:

  • spaces/tabs (from 0 to n)
  • the character #
  • one or more space before an actual word
  • one of those words: wmlxgettext, po-override or po captured into group 1.
  • followed by the character : and one or more spaces/tabs.
  • followed by any number of any characters (at least 1) captured on group 2.

6.1.4. WmlCommentState

self.regex = re.compile(r'\s*#.+')

At the start of the string will search for:

  • spaces/tabs (from 0 to n)
  • the character # followed by any character

6.1.5. WmlTagState


Special Thanks to:

  • Soliton
    • for pointing me that a tag name could, in theory, a number
    • for having a very nice idea about how to distinguish a tag from an array index (see the regexp explaination)
  • celticminstrel
    • for providing me a good regexp rule, that allowed me to write down the regexp used in this state
rx = r'\s*(?:[^"]+\(\s*)?\s*\[\s*([\/+-]?)\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\]'
self.regex = re.compile(rx)

Before explaining what the regex searches, we need to explain why the regexp was written in this way.

We must take mind that a WML tag (we now focus on open tag, but the discussion is the same also on close tags) can appear in two different ways; this is the first one:

# first way: tagname can be defined at the start of the line

In this case, the WML line we are parsing may have an arbitrary number of spaces (or tabs) before the tagname, but nothing else must appear before the [tagname]. This is the most common case where a tag is defined, but it is not the only one; a tag can be added also in the body of a WML macro call as a part of WML code passed as parameter to the macro.

So why a WML tag can also apper inside the body of a macro call, like showed in this example:

{MACRO ([foo]
             bar = "baz"
So, wmlxgettext had to face two corner problems:
  • it should record the [foo] open tag inside the macro call, or it will return an error when closing [/foo] tag will be found

  • it should, however avoid to collect array indexes, thinking they are tags, for example:

    # [$i], here, is not a tag, but it is an index value of the array my_array
    value = my_array[$i]

So… how to distinguish tag from an array using a regexp? Well… a tagname, when placed inside a WML macro call, should be ALWAYS immediately preceded by (; nothing else than spaces can be putted before the parenthesis and the tag definition.

After all those explainations we have almost all the informations required to understand why the regexp used on WmlTagState is:


As usual, at the start of the string, an arbitrary number of spaces or tabs (^\s*) can be found.

After that the regexp will consider two different scenarios:
  • first scenario: [tagname] is defined inside a macro call
  • second scenario: [tagname] stays alone (most common case)

On the fist scenario, the [tagname] is contained into a MACRO CALL, so we must verify that the [tagname] definition immediately follows a parenthesis (, except for spaces or tabs that can separates ( and [tagname]:


This check is performed by the non-capturing group written above, wich can occur one-time only (when tagname is contained in the macro definition) or it can occur zero times (when the tagname stays alone in the line, second scenario).

The non-capturing group will search for the last opening parenthesis encountered (and following spaces) that satisfies the remaining part of the regexp (explained later) wich search for [tagname].

This is, in particular, made by the second part of the non-capturing group:


But the non-capturing group will verify that no quote symbols (") were found in the meantime:


The reason of this exclusion is related to the wmlxgettext state machine design: the WmlTagState, infact, is evaluated before the WmlStr01 state (wich will search WML strings, translatable or not).

Wich means: if we allowed WmlTagState to match a line containing a quotation, we would let WmlTagState to consume all the matched line, including the WML string, wich will never been evalated by WmlStr01 State. But we don’t want that this event could happen.

digraph wmlstr {
   node [shape="ellipse", style="filled", fillcolor="grey",
         fontname="DejaVu Sans Mono"]
   wmltag [shape="box", fillcolor="green",
           label="WmlTagState regexp"
   tagfound1 [
       label="[tag]\nstays alone"
   tagfound2 [
       label="[tag] in macro-call"
   question [ shape="diamond",
       label="Are there\nquotes (\")\nbefore the [tag]?"
   match [ fillcolor="green",
       label="regex matches:\n[tagname] will be collected\nby WmlTagState"
   nomatch [ 
       label="regex does not match:\nWmlStr01 can be reached"
   wmlstr01 [
       label="WmlStr01 state can\ncollect the sentence\n included between quotes"
   wmlstr02 [
       label="WmlStr01 state will consume the parsed line\n until the closing quote reached.\n (The quoted string will be removed\nfrom the line to parse)"
   wmlstr03 [ fillcolor="cyan",
       label="WmlTagState, next time,\n(when all quotes will be removed after executing WmlStr01 state)\nwill be able to match the [tagname]"
   {rank=same tagfound1 tagfound2}
   {rank=same match nomatch}
   wmltag -> tagfound1 -> match
   wmltag -> tagfound2 -> question
   question -> nomatch [label="yes"]
   question -> match [label="no"]
   nomatch -> wmlstr01 -> wmlstr02 -> wmlstr03 -> match

So, coming back to the regexp:


We said:

  • ^\s* will search for arbitrary number of spaces (or tabs) at the start of the line
  • (?:[^"]+\(\s*)? is the zero or one time non-campturing group that verifies if the tag is included inside a macro call. Wmlxgettext will search for a [tagname] wich is directly preceded by an opening parenthesis and an arbitrary number of spaces (or tabs). In the meantime it will verify that no quotations symbols (") can be found in the meantime. If a quotation symbol will be found, the regexp will be fail, so the WmlStr01 state can do its work (see the flow chart here above).
  • \[\s*([\/+-]?)\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\] is the final part of the regexp (valid both for tags placed alone and for tags placed inside a macro call) that actually identify the tag. It will discussed here now.

The final part of the regular expression will search for [tagname], [/tagname], [+tagname] or [-tagname] where any number of spaces can be placed between [, tagname and ].

If +, - or / symbol is used, any number of spaces can be placed between the symbol, the [ and the tagname.

The regular expression, in this final part will also do those tasks:

  • it will store, on group(1), the symbol +, - or /. If no symbol will be used, the group(1) will be an empty string.
  • it will store, on group(2), the tagname. Characters allowed are only letters, numbers, or underscore, so why the expression ([A-Za-z0-9_]+) is used there (note that tagname must contain at least one character, this is why the + quantifier was used).


On group(1), as we said, we can find an empty string (no symbol used) or one of those symbols: +, - and /.

  • if / is found, then the tag is a closing tag
  • if + is found, the tag is considered like a normal open tag, ignoring the + symbol.
  • if - is found, the tag is treated like [+tag].

Note that the [-tag] is not currently supported in WML code. Wmlxgettext included the rule for the - symbol if, in a future, also the [-tag] feature will ever included (thinking the chance of doing the opposite thing that is done by the [+tag]).

6.1.6. WmlGetinfState

rx = ( r'\s*(speaker|id|role|description|condition|type|race)' +
       r'\s*=\s*(.*)' )
self.regex = re.compile(rx, re.I)

This case-insensitive regex will be search, start of the string, for:

  • spaces/tabs (from 0 to n)
  • one of the following words: speaker, id, role, description, condition, type or race. The word will be captured into group 1.
  • spaces/tabs (from 0 to n)
  • the = character
  • spaces/tabs (from 0 to n)
  • any number of any character, captured by group 2. (this will be the value assigned to the parameter captured by group 1).


The WmlGetinfState and the state WmlStr01 could generate a bug, without the proper cautions. This is the reason why you can find this code into WmlGetinfState

if '"' in match.group(2):
    _nextstate = 'wml_str01'
    pywmlx.state.machine._pending_winfotype = match.group(1)

If a " sign was found in group 2, it means that the value assigned to the parameter (for example, name="something") is a quoted string. This string must be managed then by the state WmlStr01. State Machine will remember that there is a pending wml info with quoted string. the winfotype will store only the parameter at the moment, waiting for WmlStr01 (that will process the quoted string)

6.1.7. State WmlStr01

This is the state wich will capture a wml string type 1 ( “quoted string” )

rx = r'(?:[^"]*?)\s*(_?)\s*"((?:""|[^"])*)("?)'
self.regex = re.compile(rx)

the regexp used here is a bit complex, so it will be atomized:


without creating group ((?:) creates a non-capturing group), any number of characters different than " will be found. But the search will be less greedy than possible (thank the very last ? putted after *). The “less greedy than possible” rule is necessary, othewhise the following rule will be ignored:


we need, infact, to know if a string is translatable or not. We must see if a _ sign was found before opening the quote. But the _ sign is different than " sign, so if the previous rule was greedy, the regexp could never capture on group 1 the _ sign. Instead, since the non-capturing group (?:[^"]*?) is “less greedy than possible” it will stops as soon the following rule \s*(_?)\s*" will be true.

Since the rule \s*(_?)\s*" will check:

  • spaces/tabs (from 0 to n)
  • zero or one _ sign, captured on group 1, followed by spaces/tabs (from 0 to n)
  • followed by " sign

this means that the regexp, until now:

  • is true even if something was found before _ "translatable string"
  • will see if _ is used (group 1). Group 1 will be _ if the _ will be found, or it will be an empty string if the _ will not be found (string is not translatable)
  • it will check for opening quote " where the string actually starts.

Finally, the regexp continues with:


This part of the regexp must be explained a bit. A WML string can contain two following " signs if you want to use the " character inside your string (for example, using a " sign in a message). For this reason, if you find "" into a WML string, the string is not yet finised.

So, this part of the regexp:

  • create a new group 2 (with the outer parenthesis on ((?:""|[^"])*) )

  • that group 2 will capture any number of the things captured by the inner parenthesis, wich doesn’t create any additional groups (thank of the starting ?:).

  • the “things” that can be captured on group 2, so, can be:

    • either “”
    • or any character different than "
  • finally checks if there is the enclosing " sign and capture it to group 3.

This is how this complex regexp works.


it is the time to remember what the regexp capturing groups:

  • group 1 -> can be _ or an empty string (to understand it the string is translatable or not).
  • group 2 -> it is the text
  • group 3 -> can be " or an empty string. If it is an empty string, (closing " sign not found) than the string is multi-line.

6.1.8. State WmlStr02

This is the state wich will capture a translatable wml string type 2 ( _ <<translatable capitalized string>> )

rx = r'[^"]*_\s*<<(?:(.*?)>>|(.*))'
self.regex = re.compile(rx)

WmlStr02 is evalued after WmlCommentState (so it is evalued before WmlStr01):


Unlike before, WmlStr02 will match ONLY if the string is translatable (so non-translatable <<string>> will be ignored by regex). The regex will also mach only if no quotes found before the underscore marker followed by the << marker.

We said that WmlStr02 is evalued before WmlStr01, and that is the reason why no quote should be found before WmlStr02 (the WmlStr01 must be evalued and not skipped; so the WmlStr02 regex will fail, and the WmlStr01 state can be reached to collect the WmlStr01).


The second (and last) part of the regex is a non-capturing group wich contains two alternatives:

  • (.*?)>> the first alternative matches if the close marker >> is found (single line translatable string). The capture ends when the first >> occurrence is found (non-greedy capture). Text is captured on group 1.
  • (.*) the second alternative matches all the text until the end of the line (multi-line translatable string). Text is captured on group 2.

6.1.9. State WmlStr10

This is the state wich will capture multi-line wml “quoted” string (type 1) from line 2 to the end

self.regex = re.compile(r'((?:""|[^"])*)("?)')

The regexp is musch more simplier than the one used by the state WmlStr01 even if it works in a very similar way.

The basic idea of this regexp is: <<we are parsing a multi line string and this is NOT the first line of the string, so the starting part of the file line must be contained into the string until the ending ``”`` will be found>>.

It will save, on group 1 and group 2, what the regexp used by WmlStr01 capture on group 2 and group 3.

6.1.10. State WmlStr20

This is the state wich will capture multi-line wml <<capitalized>> string (type 2) from line 2 to the end

WmlStr20 is a very particular state: it is structured as an always-run state, but it works like a standard state.

There is a regex inside the run function wich is very simple:


This is a solution that allows WmlStr02 to stay there until the >> end marker will be found somewhere. Infact:

  • If the regex fails, WmlStr20 will recursively change to itself (it stays to WmlStr20)
  • If the regex matches, WmlStr20 will capture the text into group(1) and then the state will be changed to wml_idle

6.1.11. WmlGoluaState

self.regex = re.compile(r'.*?<<\s*')

It will be check, from the start part of the string, any number of any character (less greedy then possible) until << found (followed by any number of spaces/tabs - from 0 to n).

If the regexp will mach, the State will consume the line until the last space of the << symbol, and than switch to lua_idle state (parse Lua language).

6.2. Regexes used on Lua States

Unlike WML states, we will not explain all the regexp used, since most of them are very similar to the ones used on WML states

6.2.1. LuaCheckdomState

rx = (   r'\s*(local)?\s+_\s*=\s*wesnoth\s*\.\s*textdomain\s*'
self.regex = re.compile(rx, re.I)

The regular expression used by LuaCheckdomState is very long, and it is very different from the one used by WmlCheckdomState. Changing the current domain in lua code, infact, requires a very different syntax:

-- after executing the following line, the current domain
-- will be changed to: wesnoth-xyz
local _ = wesnoth.textdomain('wesnoth-xyz')

It is now the time to explain deeply the regexp used by LuaCheckdomState:


The regexp can be dived in this way:

  • ^\s* –> Arbitrary number of spaces or tabs at the start of the line.
  • (local\s+)? –> Optional local keyword. It is captured (if exists) in group(1). If local keyword is not used and the --warnall command line option is used, than a warning message is displayed.
  • _\s*=\s* –> the underscore symbol (_) followed by equal (=). Any number of spaces or tab can be placed between underscore and equal; any mymber of spaces or tab can be also placed after the equal symbol.
  • wesnoth\s*\.\s*textdomain\s* –> look for wesnoth.textdomain. Any number of spaces can be placed before and after the point symbol that divides wesnoth and textdomain ; any number of spaces can be placed after the textdomain word.
  • (?:\(\s*)? –> This is a very important part of the regexp. This non-capturing group will ensure that the regexp will match when zero or one open paranthesis will follow after wesnoth.textdomain. The open parenthesis is, infact, optional.
  • (["']) –> Then a single or a double quote is expected, and it will captured on group(2)
  • (.*?) –> The actual textdomain will be captured on group(3)
  • \2 –> the closing quote (what it was captured on group2, wich opened the quote, must match be the same one that closes the quote)


Special thanks to celticminstrel for providing me this regexp.

6.2.2. Lua “Comment” States

LuaCheckpoState and LuaCommentState use regexpes very similar to the ones used on WmlCheckpoState and WmlCommentState.

Here the differences:

  • You can also use -- po: and -- po-override: or you can use -- # po: and -- # po-override: (both forms are allowed).
  • # wmlxgettext: is not supported on lua code (it is useless)
  • lua comment starts with -- and not with #

6.2.3. LuaStr01 and LuaStr02 States

We will display the LuaStr01 python code

rx = r'''(?:[^["']*?)(_?)\s*"((?:\\"|[^"])*)("?)'''
self.regex = re.compile(rx)

wich is equal to the following regexp:


The regexp used by LuaStr02 is more or less the same, infact it is equal to the following regexp:


The basic logic of those regexp is more or less the same as the one used by State WmlStr01.

As the regexp used by State WmlStr01, it can be divided in three parts:

  • things before the strings starts
  • check if the string is translatable, searching for _ sign rigtly before the string starts (followed by any number of spaces-tabs). (group 1 = _ or empty string)
  • check for start quote (" for LuaStr01, ' for LuaStr02).
  • check for text (group 2)
  • check for quotation end (group 3) (if empty, is a multiline string).

The actual difference from the regexp used by State WmlStr01 is the first part of the regexp rule:


Instead of searching of all characters different than only the " symbol, this regex will search all characters that will be neither ", nor ', nor [.

This will avoid conflicts from the three possible syntaxes and it will ensure that, if any of the regexp match, it will really match the first string, avoiding that a lua string will be skipped.

Another difference is that the “non enclosing quote” is not "" like WML, but it is escaped in a different way (\" or \'), this is why the rule is a bit different also in the third part of the regexp rule.

6.2.4. LuaStr10 and LuaStr20 States

The basic idea is the same as the one used by State WmlStr01.

(See also: State WmlStr01 and LuaStr01 and LuaStr02 States).

6.2.5. LuaStr03 State

LuaStr03 regexp can is equal to the following regexp rule:


The first part of regexp (^(?:[^["']*?)) is already explained in LuaStr01 and LuaStr02 States.

The second part of regexp((_?)\s*) captures _ on group 1 and collect any following spaces/tabs (without storing them in groups).

The third part of regexp (\[(=*)\[) captures all equal symbols placed between the two brackets and store them into group 2.

The fourth part of regexp ((.*?)) captures all characters contained between the lua bracketed string delimiters (ending delimiter is defined by the last part of the regexp). It captures the less charcaters than possible until the end delimiter found

The last part of regexp (]\2]) will search the right lua bracketed string end delimiter, checking how many equals symbols were captured on group 2 (\2 will search exactly what group 2 matched). So, if the group 2 is an empty string, than ]] will be the end delimiter searched by regexp. If the group 2 is === (3 equals symbols) than the end delimiter will be ]===]… and so on.


This regexp, unlike the one used on LuaStr01 and LuaStr02, does not match at all if the right end-delimiter will be not found in the parsed line. This is why lua bracketed strings (lua string type 3) require another state that explicitly tells when the lua string type 3 is multiline. And this is the rule defined on LuaStr03o, explained in the next subparagraph.

6.2.6. LuaStr03o State

LuaStr03o State will match when the beginning of a lua multiline bracketed string is found:

The state LuaStr03o will capture:
  • on group 1: the _ symbol (if is used)
  • on group 2: how many equal symbols where placed in the starting string delimiter (for example the delimiter [=[ will contain one equal symbol between the two brackets)
  • on group 3: the text of the first line of the string. This time the group 3 use greedy rule, capturing all following characters. This is why, this time, the regexp will be True (will match) even if nothing follows the [=[ marker (multiline string).


LuaStr03o, when creating the pending string (PendingLuaString object on state machine), stores the amount of equals signs in the PendingLuaString.numequals variable, wich will be used by LuaState30 to calculate (on runtime) wich regexp should be actually used.

6.2.7. State LuaStr30

The LuaStr30 is a very particular state, wich is structured as an always-run state, but it works like a standard state.

The regexp definition, infact, is not placed (as usual) in the State.regexp parameter, defined in the __init__ function. This becouse all states are stored in the state machine during the setup phase, before starting to parse WML and Lua files. Wich means that all State.regexp values can be defined only on the setup phase itself and they cannot change anymore.

But, this time, we require to use a regexp rule that search exactly wich is the end delimiter for that one lua bracketed multiline string started on the previous LuaStr03o state.

This why the regexp is defined directly in the run() function, wich explicitly performs all actions usually done by statemachine when evaluating a State.regexp.

This is the regexp that will be evaluated in the run() function:


where n is the exact number of equals symbols stored in the PendingLuaString.numequals variable by LuaStr03o.

So, for example, if LuaStr03o.regex previously matched == on group 2 (wich means that [==[ was the opening delimiter used), then the regexp searched by the run function will be:


Now it is the time to actually explain the regexp. We will focus the explaination around this last concrete example (end delimiter must have exactly two equal symbols between close brackets). So why, from now on, we will explain the regexp:


This regexp will match if the line contains somewhere the ]==] delimiter. the final part of the regexp (]={2}]), infact, means:

  • litteral ]
  • followed by = (two times)
  • followed by ]

If the delimiter ]==] will be found, the regexp will match, the last part of the string will be stored on group 1, than it will be added to the pending string. LuaStr30 will go to LuaIdleState (parsed line will be not completely consumed. Only what it will be matched will be removed from the parsed line.

If the delimiter ]==] will not be found, than the regexp will not mach. LuaStr30 will store all the parsed line into the pending lua string and consume it at all, so the statemachine will be able to read the next line of code. LuaStr30 will come back again to itself (it acts like a recursive state, in a very similar way like the LuaStr10 and LuaStr20 states).


The first part of the regexp (.*?) capture all characters using the less greedy than possible rule, with the same effects explained on State WmlStr01 (first part of the regexp where the less greedy rule was used).

6.2.8. LuaFinalState

Lua Final States checks if the current parsing line contains a function name:

rx_str = ( r'function\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)|' +
rx = re.compile(rx_str, re.I)
m = re.search(rx, xline)

So it use re.search and not re.match as usual. This mean that we don’t have a sort of an implicit caret symbol at the start of the regexp rule, so the resulting regexp rule is:



the regexp showed above is case insensitive (option re.I used on re.compile function).

the regex will search:

  • function <name_of_function>: where <name_of_function> will be stored on group 1.

or it will search:

  • <name_of_function> = function: this time <name_of_function> will be stored on group 2.

6.3. “Escape” regexp rules

Translatable strings will be “reformatted” two times. The first time when they will be stored from pending string to a PoCommentedString (or to a WmlNodeSentece) object.

# ./pywmlx/state/machine.py (class PendingLuaString, function store)
if self.luatype == 'luastr2':
    self.luastring = re.sub(r"\'", r"'", self.luastring)
self.luastring = re.sub(r'(?<!\\)"', r'\"', self.luastring)

# --------------------------------------

# ./pywmlx/state/machine.py (class PendingWmlString, function store)
self.wmlstring = re.sub('""', '"', self.wmlstring)

Those part of code will be replace the escaped quote found in that kind of string ("" on WML and \" on Lua type 1 for symbol "; \' on Lua type 2 for symbol ').

Those escape code will be replaced in those way:

  • "" found on WML will be replaced by \"
  • ", if not preceded by \ will be replaced by \", on lua string
  • \', found on Lua type 2, will be replaced by '.

This becouse, in the final .po file the quote string " must be escaped by \, so the right escape code is \". The ' symbol, instead, don’t require any escape.

So it’s the time to explain the regexp used on lua to verify if a " symbol is not preceded by \:


This is the regexp rule used by the last re.sub used by the function PendingLuaString.store().

the (?<!\\) is a negative look-before rule. So the regex will match if the " is found, but if the previous character is not \ infact:

  • (?<! ) identify the negative look-before
  • \\ checks for the litteral character \.

We said that the translatable string is “reformatted” two times.

  • the first time, when a new PoCommentedString or WmlNodeSentece object is stored in memory.
  • the second time when every single PoCommentedString object contained in the dictionary will be written in the .po file, rightly before actually writing it.

On this last step the sentence will be translated from:

this is the \"sentence\" before second formatting


"this is the \"sentence\" before second formatting"

If the string is multiline, for example:

this is
a \"multiline\" string
stored here

they will be formatted to:

"this is\n"
"a \"multiline\" string\n"
"stored here"

It is possible to notice that, on multiline string, the new “formatting” will create a first line with only "". It is not an error: it is expected since, if the string is multiline, it is expected that "" will follow msgid on the first line.

All other lines (except the very last one) will end with \n (new line code).

All lines (included the very last one) will be enclosed in quotes (").